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November 2020



One of Shakespeare's most iconic pieces of theatre, Othello is without doubt a timeless story of love, bigotry, betrayal and death.  

The play has been adapted by Andrew Hislop, who plays the title role and has also taken up the task of directing the show.

Othello in this production is of African and European parentage; mixed race. This has opened up a dialogue and exploration within the company that has become both timely and prudent in light of the ongoing discussions surrounding bigotry and racism.


It is hoped that this production will in some way allow us to "hold as ‘twere the mirror up to nature, to show virtue her own feature, scorn her own image, and the very age and body of the time his form and pressure". [Hamlet, Act 3 Scene 2]. 


"This production was thrilling, visceral and deeply moving. And your performance was astounding" - Simon

"A breathtaking climax which at times was difficult to watch and yet who would have dared look away fearful of missing anything. I was bowled over by the whole production which was a credit to everyone involved." - Bob

Art for Guernsey - "Magnificent performance, well done to the whole crew. What a cast and what a show"

© 2020 by Moor Theatre  

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